Want to start your fitness journey? Here's what you should know!

Want to start your fitness journey? Here's what you should know!

Fitness is what every human in today's world wants to achieve. Most people start working out to improve their health and fitness. But only a few can stick to the fitness journey that they have begun. Not because of the lack of motivation, but also because of lack of knowledge and guidance. You might have heard many people saying that "if you want to make your goals a reality, then you must bring actions to your intentions." But, I say that, if you want to reach your goals quickly, then you need to bring informed actions to your intentions. Hence, if you want to start your fitness journey and reach your goal quickly, you need some information and guidance.

That's why I have compiled a list of six tips that will help you plan your fitness journey and progress on it. If you stick to these tips, then you will get off on the right foot and ensure success on your journey.

1. Expand your vision and identify your goals

Fitness journey: identify your goals

You might have heard the popular quote that says, "to begin with the end in mind." The same concept is right in the context of fitness. If you don't know what you want to achieve from your journey, then how will you ensure that you are on the right track? Hence, the first thing you need to do is take some time to gather some information and tips on setting your fitness goals. Identifying and setting goals that are ideal for you can act as a mental boost that helps you to stick to your fitness journey. It also helps you to divide your journey into several checkpoints so that you can track your journey whenever you want to.

2. Start small and then aim for big

Fitness journey: start small

The first and the basic thing that most people do wrong is to rush themselves into a new journey. You can have your end goal as high as you want, but you should always start small. You don't have to go crazy and workout for hours. Since you are beginning a new routine, your body will not be used to heavy workouts. And, if you start with heavy workout plans, then you will end up feeling like you are forcing yourself to stick to your fitness journey. But, if you start small, then your body will eventually get used to your workout routines and you will be excited to go to the gym and take on new challenges. Hence, it's always better to start small and increase the intensity of exercise on your path towards the end goal.

3. Create your workout plan

Fitness journey: create workout plan

Now you have your goal set, and you know that you need to start small and slow. The next thing you need to do is create a workout plan. Creating a workout plan means slaying out what days you will hit the gym and doing what exercises for how much time. Often many people are seen going to the gym and not knowing what they should do to achieve what they want from their workout routine. It is advised to seek professional help to create an ideal workout plan for you. Making a workout plan will help you to track your fitness as you can measure how many calories you have burnt by doing all your exercises.

4. Cut out or drastically reduce alcohol

Fitness journey: drastically reduce alcohol

Surely you would have heard this tip to reduce alcohol from everyone that would have given you advice on fitness. And, that's because alcohol and fitness do not mix at all. Alcohol messes with our body's fat-burning abilities. A drink here and there, like a cheat drink, is fine, but its regular consumption will give you many setbacks from achieving your goal. On the other hand, if you cut down on alcohol, you will not have to worry about the extra empty calories that it releases in your body, which means no extra effort to burn those calories.

5. Track how you perform

Fitness journey: track fitness

No matter what your goals are, you cannot achieve them in a single day. Hence, it will help if you track your progress on your fitness journey. But, how to track your fitness? Well, traditionally, it used to be a tedious task as you had to write down your food consumption and then do the math of how much calories you have burnt. But now, thanks to wearable technology that has made it easy to track fitness. There are many wearable devices and software applications available that can help you track your body vitals, distances covered, fats, sleep, and nutrition. Tracking your workouts and nutrition will help you know how many calories you have burned and how many you need to burn to achieve your daily target. Thus, tracking will help you get an insight into where exactly you stand on your fitness journey.

6. Get sleep and plenty of it

Fitness journey: get adequate amount of sleep

Sleep is essential as any other thing when it comes to fitness. How your body and mind functions, largely depend on how you sleep. When you put stress on your body, you need to allow it to get enough rest. Sleep allows your muscles to grow and your nervous system to get back to its optimal state. An adequate amount of sleep also helps you to drive more energy and strength for your next day's routine.

Remember starting a fitness journey is hard, but sticking to it is always hardest. I hope that this article will help you start off your fitness journey and stick to it until you reach the very end and are ready to take on new challenges.
